It's important for dogs to stay within a healthy weight range - otherwise it can have a negative impact on the pup's health.It's important for dogs to stay within a healthy weight range - otherwise it can have a negative impact on the pup's health.
It's important for dogs to stay within a healthy weight range - otherwise it can have a negative impact on the pup's health. | Canva/Getty Images

Healthy Dog Weights: How much 10 of the most popular breeds of dog should weigh - including the loving Labrador 🐶

Just like with humans, it's important that our four-legged friends maintain a healthy weight.

Many pet owners across the country will be looking at their own health as we start the new year after a time of indulgences and celebrations.

Committing to exercise and a healthy diet is important for managing our health and happiness, and the same applies to our pups

Just like in people, overweight and obese dogs are more prone to several health issues such as arthritis, heart and breathing problems, diabetes and some cancers. This can result in a shorter lifespan and a reduced quality of life – so keeping your dog fit and trim is very important.

Safely weighing your furry friend without causing discomfort or pain is generally easier for healthy smaller to medium sized breeds. When weighing bigger dogs or those that are visibly uncomfortable being picked up you can head to your local vet to use their pet scales for an accurate reading, 

Your dog’s weight will fluctuate depending on the season, stress levels, and activity as well as any existing health issues they may have. A useful way to identify a healthy weight is to use the body condition score (BCS), a guideline to know if your dog is at their optimum weight through sight and touch, which is helpful to use alongside their actual reading.

Visually, your dog should have a defined waist when you look from the side and above, and you should be able to feel their ribs as you run your hands along their chest. If you can’t feel your dog’s ribs, they are likely carrying a few extra pounds, if you can easily see your dog’s individual ribs, they may be underweight.

While each breed of dog has its own optimal weight to be, leading raw pet food and wellness company Bella & Duke has shared a guideline for the UK’s top ten most popular breeds - with male dogs usually being on the heavier side.

Here's how the breeds weight up.

Just like in people, overweight and obese dogs are more prone to several health issues such as arthritis, heart and breathing problems, diabetes and some cancers. This can result in a shorter lifespan and a reduced quality of life – so keeping your dog fit and trim is very important.

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