Not all dogs enjoy car journeys as much as these three.Not all dogs enjoy car journeys as much as these three.
Not all dogs enjoy car journeys as much as these three. | Canva/Getty Images

Car Sick Dogs: These are the 10 adorable breeds of dog most likely to suffer motion sickness - including the loving Labrador 🐶

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Dogs and car journeys don't always mix - particularly with these breeds.

A huge number of us decided to add dogs to our families over the last few years – according to Kennel Club figures dog ownership has soared to record levels of late.

There are a whopping 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, alongside numerous crossbreeds, so there’s plenty of thinking to do before you select your family’s latest addition.

There’s even academic guidance to seek out, with Psychologist Stanley Coren’s book ‘The Intelligence of Dogs’ ranking breeds by instincts, obedience, and the ability to adapt.

One thing to consider if you are planning on travelling alot with your pub is that certain breeds are more likely to suffer car sickness.

According to recent research from car leasing experts at Auto Trader, a quarter of dog-owning drivers have dogs are prone to car sickness.

It's not an insurmountable problem as Dr Ian Stroud, from Pet People Vets explains: “Dogs experience car sickness for various reasons, including motion sensitivity, anxiety, poor ventilation, inability to see the road, and eating too much or too little before a journey. Gradual exposure, proper ventilation, allowing vision, and providing a small, light, high-protein meal are recommended to alleviate car sickness.”

But the research found that certain breeds tend to be more likely to develop motion sickness, so it's good to know in advance that should take a little extra care and schedule more breaks in to your jounrey time.

Here are the 10 breeds that most commonly get sick in cars.

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