If you’re owned a cat for any amount of time, then you’re sure recognise what pet owners now commonly call ‘the zoomies’.
But what are they? And why exactly do cats run around the house like crazy at random times?
Truthfully, there are a number of reasons linked as to why cats will dart around your home for no apparent reason at certain points in the day – and here are 8 of them!
1. Sleep habits
A cats sleeping habits often contribute to why they zoom. Running around the house is a way to make them wake up after a long nap. Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro
2. After going to the toilet
Some cats zoom around the house after going to the toilet. Often, it is just to celebrate a job well done (no, really) it can sometimes mean they are uncomfortable, so be sure to check their stool has no abnormalities. Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro
3. The inner hunter
Cats are hunters and zooming is often how cats engage their inner hunter. The periods of play allow cats to hone their inner survival instincts such as stalking, pouncing and pursuing. So, if a cat decides to zoom around the room - make sure it isn't aiming to get your dinner! Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro
4. Lack of stimulation
Some cats simply need more play time and run around the house to stimulate themselves. Try playing fetch and games with your cat to release their energy. Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro