Looking for inspiration to name your new Greyhound pup?Looking for inspiration to name your new Greyhound pup?
Looking for inspiration to name your new Greyhound pup?

Top Greyhound Names: Here are the 10 most popular puppy names with Greyhound owners 🐶

About to pick up a new Greyhound pup but can’t decide what to call it? Here’s some inspiration from the global family of dog parents.

If you’ve opted for an adorable Greyhound then personalised gift site yappy.com can help – they’ve surveyed thousands of their customers to come up with the most popular names people choose for their lovable Greyhound.

Around one-in-three UK households now include at least one four-legged friend.

A huge number of us decided to welcome new puppies into our homes in the last two years – according to Kennel Club figures dog ownership soared by nearly eight percent and post-lockdown demand for four-legged friends remains high.

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There are a whopping 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, alongside numerous crossbreeds, so there’s plenty of thinking to do before you select your family’s latest addition.

But even when you’ve settled on a type of dog, there’s still the tricky task of choosing a name.Here are their top 10 Greyhound names.

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