These are the most intelligent breeds of dog that have both brains and beauty (sadly, this chess-playing Maltese isn't one of them).These are the most intelligent breeds of dog that have both brains and beauty (sadly, this chess-playing Maltese isn't one of them).
These are the most intelligent breeds of dog that have both brains and beauty (sadly, this chess-playing Maltese isn't one of them).

Intelligent Dogs 2024: Here are scientificallty the 10 cleverest breeds of adorable dog - including the Golden Retriever 🐕

As demand for pups continues to soar, here are the breeds that have both brains and beauty.

If you have welcomed a new four-legged friend into your home recently then you’re not alone – according to Kennel Club figures dog ownership has soared to record levels in recent years.

With 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, you should consider what matches well with your way of life.

For example, those with active lifestyles might want to consider a larger dog, while somebody with allergies will be looking for a hypoallergenic dog.

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If you are looking for a dog that’s as smart as it is adorable though, there’s scientific research into the subject that can guide you. Psychologist Stanley Coren’s book ‘The Intelligence of Dogs’ is a landmark piece of canine literature, judging breeds’ relative IQs by looking at instincts, obedience, and the ability to adapt.

So these are – officially – the top 10 brightest breeds of pooch.

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