When it comes to choosing which type cat breed to add to your home, you can’t go far wrong with a beautiful Bengal cat.
Not a wild breed but domesticated cat breed that was created using a hybrid of the Asian leopard cat, with domestic cats – an especially the spotted Egyptian Mau –it has a loving nature and makes the perfect pet for almost any household.
However, if you are considering bringing this gorgeous breed of cat into your home, here are 10 interesting and fun facts you may want to know about the Bengal cat breed.
1. A Bengal cat is very social
Bengals love to interact with their owner and are known to be particularly social - if you have another kitty cat already, a Bengal would be a good second option in most cases as they thrive on company.Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro
2. Bengal cats are natural hunters
They look like leopards - and act like them in many ways! Bengal cats love to hunt as per the their instinct and are very keen on fish, so try to make sure your goldfish bowl is protected!Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro
3. Bengal cats love food
If you're feeding a Bengal cat, they may very well try and sneak into the bag of food as you lay down their bowl with your back turned. Bengal cats just adore food so don't leave any lying about for them to overfeed on.Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro
4. Bengal cats love to hide things
Remember that thing about affection and energy? A Bengal cat will love to hide things in order to initiate play time and your attention.Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro