If you’re wanting to adopt or welcome a new cat into your home, then you may want to discover which cat is most likely to bond with you most quickly.
And it is indeed true, all cats are very much beautiful, if you are looking for a cat that will stay by your side, give you all the head boops you need and might even let you have a little kitty cuddle, then these 10 breeds are sure to be perfect for you.
*While cat breeds do share similar traits, we advise each cat does have their own personality and individual needs – including medical, which is of primary importance when taking a cat into your home. Please be aware of this if adopting a cat.
1. Abyssinian
Known as "the dog of the cat world", the Abyssinian cat breed is as affectionate as they come. They are fiercely loyal and love to survey their surroundings to ensure those they love are protected at all costs. Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro
2. Birman
The Birman is a very gentle, affectionate breed which offers all you could want from a loyal, loving and faithful companion. Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro
3. American Bobcat
Believe it or not, but despite their 'wild' appearance, the American Bobcat breed are one of the most loving and affectionate cat breeds in the world. Credit: Getty Images/Canva Pro Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro
4. Chartreux
The Chartreux cat breed is a gentle and caring breed that will love your company - and just look at those cute little eyes. Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro