Whilst buying or adopting an adorable puppy spontaneously may sound like a great idea, certain breeds of dog can double or even triple in size from pups to adults.
Many people are sadly simply not prepared for how money, effort and space is necessary to keep some dog breeds.
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That's why it’s important to realise that the cute puppy you’ve been considering adding to your family will end up being a very different animal when it reches adulthood.
To help out pet insurance company PetPlan has analysed the size growth of 60 of the UK’s most popular dog breeds, comparing how tall they are as puppies (eight weeks) to the size they are at fully grown (one year).
Here are the 10 pups that grow the most.

1. English Springer Spaniel
English Springer Spaniels are the dogs that grow the most from puppy phase to adulthood. They grow to more than three times their puppy size - a whopping 317 per cent. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

2. Golden Retriever
Golden Retrievers are the dog breed with the second biggest puppy to adult height growth with on average a 267 per cent increase in height. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

3. Dobermann
The beautiful Dobermann grows on average 243 per cent taller between two weeks and one year. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

4. Weimaraner
Weimaraners ranked as the third dogs with the biggest difference between their puppy size and their adult size - 257 per cent. Photo: Canva/Getty Images