Worshipped and cherished for hundreds of years, cats are one of the most loved animals on the planet.
That said, many cats breeds can share similar traits, which can often help you decided which breeds is best to adopt for your family and which cat is best suited to be adopted in your home.
If you have a dog already, it can be difficult to discover which cat is best suited to the home. However, these 9 cat breeds are thought to be the ost adaptable with dogs.
Here are the 9 best cat breeds to adopt if your home already has a dog according to LifeTimePetCover.co.uk.
*While cat breeds do share similar traits, we advise each cat do have their own personality and individual needs, which is of primary importance when taking a cat into your home – especially when a dog or another animal is involved. Please do check that your dog, and the cat you are adopting, are suitable for homes with dogs.