When it comes to introducing a cat to your home, one of the most important things is choosing a perfect name for your gorgeous new furry friend!
It is reported that the average cat owner actually own a minimum of two cats – though we are sure you may know some with many more.
However, if you’re welcoming a new kitty cat to your home and struggling for a name, here are 10 of the world’s most popular girl cat names in the year 2024, according to popular cat website supakit.

1. Willow
Following the popularity of the Buffy The Vampie Slayer character, the name Willow has grown immeasurably over the last few decades. Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro

2. Loki
Loki is a unisex name that origin came from Norway - loosely translating as 'The God of Mischief'. Uh oh. Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro

3. Molly
The name Molly has Irish origin, meaning 'star of the sea'. But did you know the name has been in use since the late Middle Ages? Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro

4. Bella
Bella is a name that has been used for decades across the globe, thanks to its meaning of 'beautiful' in numerous different languages. And all cats are beautiful! Got a nice little Italian sound to it too for extra cool. Photo: Getty Images/Canva Pro