It can be easy to forget the basics that you learn when you first start driving, but it’s important that you know what signs on the road mean. Can you get 10/10 on this quiz? The first picture will give you a road sign and multiple choice answers - when you're ready, scroll down to the next picture and the answer will be revealed.

. What does this road sign mean?
A. Bends in the road ahead B. Road narrow on both sides C. Roads becoming close D. Road widens on both sides Photo: Formula One Autocentres

. What does this road sign mean?
A. National speed limit applies B. Do not enter C. No speed restrictions D. No waiting Photo: Formula One Autocentres

. What does this road sign mean?
A. Reduce speed by 10 per cent B. Steep hill downwards C. Uneven road D. Road is 10 per cent underwater Photo: Formula One Autocentres

. What does this road sign mean?
A. Motorway speed limits stop B. Motorway rules do not apply C. End of motorway D. No motorways from this point Photo: Formula One Autocentres

1. What does this road sign mean?
A. Bends in the road ahead B. Road narrow on both sides C. Roads becoming close D. Road widens on both sides Photo: Formula One Autocentres

3. What does this road sign mean?
A. National speed limit applies B. Do not enter C. No speed restrictions D. No waiting Photo: Formula One Autocentres