Christmas traditions eh? Some of them are shared the world over. Santa Claus coming down the chimney, a festive film on the TV on Christmas eve and leaving Rudolph a carrot.
However, in Scotland, some things we do a little differently. What is your Christmas tradition?
We asked our readers via our Facebook page what Scottish Christmas traditions they do every single year to create the ultimate list of 10 traditions you'll only see in Scotland!
Did your tradition make the list?

1. Getting an orange in your sock
Lots of our readers commented they every year their parents would gain an extra orange in their sock! | Getty Images/Canva Pro

2. Giving Santa a dram with a shortbread
Mr Claus must have had a bit of a sore head when he returned from delivering gifts in Scotland because our readers say they all left him a wee dram and shortbread to enjoy! | Getty Images/Canva Pro

3. Looking forward to Hogmanay!
It is regular for Scots to be more excited than Hogmanay and New Year than it is Christmas - and there's a big reason for that! As one of readers told, Christmas Day wasn’t a public holiday until 1958 Scotland so many born before the 50s, the tradition was more celebrating Hogmanay, which was a holiday in Scotland. | Getty Images/Canva Pro
4. The Broons and Oor Wullie annuals
For many, it simply isn't Christmas if you don't get a Oor Wullie or The Broons annuals on December 25! | Contributed