Historic Environment Scotland is now amid a major piece of research into our Postmodern buildings and looks at how our streets have been shaped with ideas forged in the 1970s and beyond.
![The Olympia has now been demolished as part of the V&A-led regeneration of Dundee but in its day represented a new modernity for the city with its long glass walkway and winding flumes called the Yellow Cannonball, the Red Rocket, the Green Glider and the Blue Bomber.](https://www.scotsman.com/webimg/b25lY21zOmUxYjA3MzRjLTBiN2UtNDk5ZS1iMzg0LWJkNzFiZmE3MjczMjpmNTA3NDU0OC1kZDVhLTRiNDMtODVjZi02ZmIzYzNiMDcwNTI=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Olympia Swimming Pool and Leisure Centre
The Olympia has now been demolished as part of the V&A-led regeneration of Dundee but in its day represented a new modernity for the city with its long glass walkway and winding flumes called the Yellow Cannonball, the Red Rocket, the Green Glider and the Blue Bomber. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Historic Environment Scotland
![The escalator hall in Cumbernauld Town Centre, which was completed in 1981. The first phase of the centre housed shops, a hotel, ice rink, bowling alley, health centre and penthouse apartments, as well as police, fire and ambulance stations.](https://www.scotsman.com/webimg/b25lY21zOjkxNTU5NjhmLWRlMjUtNDU2Zi1hNjU3LTczYzM2M2JlNDk4NjpmOGMwNzQwOC05Y2JkLTRkNjUtOWUzZS1jYzI4ZjY2Y2NlNTk=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Cumbernauld Shopping Centre
The escalator hall in Cumbernauld Town Centre, which was completed in 1981. The first phase of the centre housed shops, a hotel, ice rink, bowling alley, health centre and penthouse apartments, as well as police, fire and ambulance stations. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Historic Environment Scotland
![Postmodern goes playful in the 1980s extension of Kirkcaldy High School.](https://www.scotsman.com/webimg/b25lY21zOjc1YmU2Yzc2LTE2ZTktNDgzZS1iODhmLWE3NDQzMjA0ZGVmMDo4N2EwYjZiZC1kY2RhLTQxNjQtODQ1NC02OTk3ODMwNGE3NDk=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Kirkcaldy High School
Postmodern goes playful in the 1980s extension of Kirkcaldy High School. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Historic Environment Scotland
![These flats borrow elements of the old Art Deco style to create a modern apartment block in Glasgow City Centre.](https://www.scotsman.com/webimg/b25lY21zOmE0NzI2ZWZhLTExNmEtNDQwZC1iOGUzLWFjNDkzMjYzNTJhMDpiNTgxMThjMi0xYmI0LTRiNmItYjEyYS03YWQ3NmNhNDFiNzg=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Art Deco-esque flats, Glasgow City Centre
These flats borrow elements of the old Art Deco style to create a modern apartment block in Glasgow City Centre. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Historic Environment Scotland
![The escalator hall in Cumbernauld Town Centre, which was completed in 1981. The first phase of the centre housed shops, a hotel, ice rink, bowling alley, health centre and penthouse apartments, as well as police, fire and ambulance stations.](https://www.thestar.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjkxNTU5NjhmLWRlMjUtNDU2Zi1hNjU3LTczYzM2M2JlNDk4NjpmOGMwNzQwOC05Y2JkLTRkNjUtOWUzZS1jYzI4ZjY2Y2NlNTk=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
1. Cumbernauld Shopping Centre
The escalator hall in Cumbernauld Town Centre, which was completed in 1981. The first phase of the centre housed shops, a hotel, ice rink, bowling alley, health centre and penthouse apartments, as well as police, fire and ambulance stations. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Historic Environment Scotland
![Postmodern goes playful in the 1980s extension of Kirkcaldy High School.](https://www.thestar.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjc1YmU2Yzc2LTE2ZTktNDgzZS1iODhmLWE3NDQzMjA0ZGVmMDo4N2EwYjZiZC1kY2RhLTQxNjQtODQ1NC02OTk3ODMwNGE3NDk=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
2. Kirkcaldy High School
Postmodern goes playful in the 1980s extension of Kirkcaldy High School. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Historic Environment Scotland
![These flats borrow elements of the old Art Deco style to create a modern apartment block in Glasgow City Centre.](https://www.thestar.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmE0NzI2ZWZhLTExNmEtNDQwZC1iOGUzLWFjNDkzMjYzNTJhMDpiNTgxMThjMi0xYmI0LTRiNmItYjEyYS03YWQ3NmNhNDFiNzg=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
3. Art Deco-esque flats, Glasgow City Centre
These flats borrow elements of the old Art Deco style to create a modern apartment block in Glasgow City Centre. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Historic Environment Scotland
![Replica 16th and 17th townhouses and tenements built for 1970s Dysart in Fife.](https://www.thestar.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjE1NTM1NmFiLTk2YjUtNDExOC04Zjg4LTY0ODg3Zjk0NDkwMTo2ZGQ2MDJhNC0yNDE4LTQyNWQtYTZjZC00NzhlMTg3NDA0N2Y=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
4. A 16th Century townhouse reborn for the 1970s
Replica 16th and 17th townhouses and tenements built for 1970s Dysart in Fife. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Historic Environment Scotland