New digital help for anxiety available on the NHS

The new system is available on prescription, or via self referral, and it is hoped it will create faster pathways to support for adults living in Scotland.
Big Health Co-Founder and Chief Scientist Professor Colin Espie, said that anxiety has many causes, and that people in Scotland are experiencing problems resulting from the post pandemic aftermath, the cost of living crisis, or other world events.
The Scot said: “The last few years have introduced new worries and pressures that place additional strain on our mental health.”
That’s where a new computerised form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (cCBT) comes in, in the form of Daylight ® for worry and anxiety.
Colin said the system is fully automated and accessed online, which means there are no waiting times for treatment to begin.
“This means more people can access digital medicine that’s clinically proven and backed by real-world evidence, whenever and wherever they wish. We’re proud to be working with NHS Scotland, Scottish Government to provide this community with access to safe, effective, non-drug treatments for anxiety through Daylight.”
Digital CBT treatment can provide support to all adults including even the most hard-to-reach patients, offering a safe and effective alternative to medication that can be started immediately without prescription.
Scotland is pioneering the new system before England, Wales or Northern Ireland, and the new system is offering highly personalised round-the-clock CBT.
Designed by leading clinical experts, the treatments are among the world’s most evidenced digital mental health therapies; Trials have shown that 71 percent of patients who used Daylight achieved remission from anxiety [ii].
You can be referred via your GP or another other clinicians, but you can also self- refer. This suits people who are unable to visit a GP, but feel support with anxiety would be helpful.
Daylight access is available directly at: