5 reasons why you leak pee (and what to do about it!) Top tips for a healthier bladder

5 Reasons why you leak pee (and what to do about it!)
Bladder company Jude is determined to break the taboo around bladder weakness in men and women. Supplied pictureBladder company Jude is determined to break the taboo around bladder weakness in men and women. Supplied picture
Bladder company Jude is determined to break the taboo around bladder weakness in men and women. Supplied picture

Do you find yourself leaking? A little here, a gush there - it can really get you down. Bladder leaks are more common as we get older, but there can be a myriad of reasons why you could be leaking urine at any time in your life. Both men and women experience leaks, and we’ve pulled together some of the most common reasons for both sexes here.

Bladder care company Jude is committed to breaking the silence surrounding bladder issues, empowering you to lead a life free of leaks (as we all deserve!)

You have a condition called Overactive Bladder (aka OAB)

Reason: A common condition that causes people to leak is overactive bladder, and this occurs when the bladder muscles contract involuntarily, leading to a sudden and urgent need to urinate. The uncontrollable urge to urinate frequently results in leaks, creating somewhat of a challenge for those who suffer from it as it can leave you dashing for the loo, feeling the urge to go frequently and leaking, if you can’t find a toilet in time.

Remedy: OAB is manageable, with a few tweaks to your lifestyle and diet. Avoiding trigger foods and drinks can help, as can doing your pelvic floor exercises. A supplement, such as Jude’s Bladder Strength Supplement can help too by boosting our diet to target the specific area of the bladder and pelvic floor.

You’ve had a baby

Reason: Pregnancy, and the arrival of a newborn is a time for so much joy - but it can have a huge impact on our pelvic floor. The physical stress placed on the pelvic floor during pregnancy and the strain of childbirth can weaken the muscles and nerves responsible for bladder control. Too often, after we have a baby we are so consumed with embracing motherhood that we ‘accept’ the leaks that often occur postpartum as a normal part of having children - but that’s not the case. Leaks and incontinence aren’t something you have to live with and accept as part and parcel of motherhood.

Remedy: If you are experiencing leaks, or gushes of wee after having a baby, it’s important to see your GP, and if appropriate, a women’s health physiotherapist. Doing your pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy and after your 6 week health check can also help to restore the strength of the muscles that surround the bladder and help to improve control. If you are worried about leaks, try a pair of Jude’s Leak-proof pants! They can absorb up to 8tsp of urine, keep you completely dry and are super comfortable for you to wear in the postpartum phase.

You are entering menopause

Reason: As we enter perimenopause, many women notice a change in their toilet habits. You might experience frequent urination, leaks or waking at night regularly to pee. This is a common symptom of menopause, and is because your oestrogen levels decline during this natural phase of womanhood.

Remedy: Taking HRT can hugely improve your overall symptoms of menopause and is the recommended treatment. However, plant-based oestrogen, known more commonly as phytoestrogens, can help with issues like a weak pelvic floor and bladder leaks.

A supplement that contains phytoestrogen, such as Jude’s Bladder Strength supplement, can be beneficial and can be taken alongside HRT. Made with the powerful blend of soy germ and pumpkin seed extract, their award-winning supplements are specifically formulated to strengthen the pelvic muscles and boast a reduction in daily leaks by up to 66%.

You have problems with your prostate

Reason: More than 1 in 3 men will have enlargement of the prostate over 50 and one key symptom of prostate issues, such as enlarged prostate or prostate cancer often experience urinary symptoms, including incontinence. The prostate gland's proximity to the bladder and urethra means that changes in its size or function can disrupt how often you usually pee.

Remedy: Pelvic floor exercises aren’t just for women - they are really important for men too. Tighten and hold your pelvic floor muscles for five seconds, and then relax. This is one ‘Kegel’ exercise - you should plan to do 10 to 20 Kegel exercises three to four times each day. Jude’s supplement can help to improve the strength of your pelvic floor and help to boost your squeezes, making them more effective.

You Have Stress Incontinence

Reason: Stress incontinence is a condition where physical stress or pressure on the bladder results in leakage. Common triggers include coughing, sneezing, laughing, or heavy lifting (that’s why there is a ‘right’ way to lift!). One of the main reasons for stress incontinence is the weakening of the pelvic floor (as we know from childbirth) Weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, often seen in women after childbirth or during menopause, is a primary factor in stress incontinence. Developing strategies to strengthen these muscles through targeted exercises and seeking professional guidance can significantly alleviate this form of urinary leakage.

Remedy: As we’ve already discussed with other conditions, exercising the pelvic floor is key and will help to restore the strength of the pelvic floor muscles to support your bladder and give you better control. However, it’s also important to look at lifestyle factors that can contribute to pressure on the pelvic floor, such as your weight. Eating a balanced diet to reduce weight on the pelvic floor will help to ease some of the symptoms associated with stress incontinence.

Another thing to try to ease symptoms is to ensure that you are going to the toilet properly. Yes! There is a right way to pee. Sit with your feet flat on the floor, and lean forward so that you can rest your elbows on your thighs. When you pee, ensure that you fully empty your bladder by adopting this position and it will help that need to urgently wee at the most inconvenient of times!

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