Our generous bursaries will offset the fees

Cabinet Secretary Michael Russell is on record as saying “my main priority is to protect opportunities for Scottish students to study at Scottish institutions.” Universities share this view.

While the headlines point to all three charging £9,000 a year, there are two other factors that I worry will be under-reported.

Aberdeen, Heriot Watt and Edinburgh have each set out significant new bursary schemes available to students from the rest of the UK that rival or better that which is on offer in England.

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This means the cost to many students will be significantly less than the headlines would have you believe. From what we have seen so far, bursaries will be available to students from low-income backgrounds to help off-set fees and to those students who excel academically.

Universities have also made additional support available to help with the living costs associated with studying away from home. All three have also offered students flexibility, including entry into Year Two of the four-year degree for those with appropriate qualifications or, waiving one year’s fee for a four-year degree.

This means that a Scottish degree need cost no more than a degree at an English university and signal Scottish universities’ clear desire to welcome students from all parts of the UK.

l Simon Jennings is Deputy Director of Universities Scotland