List of Scottish texts

HERE is the list of the 161 recommended texts.

1. Anonymous, ‘Deirdre’s Farewell to Alba’ (and other Celtic stories and songs, including the stories of Cuchulain, Deirdre and Naoise, Finn McCoul and Ossian after the Fianna: written sources are scattered and various)

2. Anieran, The Gododdin

3. Saint Columba (c.520-597), ‘Altus Prosator’

4. Adomnan (c.628-704), Life of Columba

5. Bernard of Arbroath, The Declaration of Arbroath 6. Aonoymous, ‘Quhen Alexander oor King was deid…’

7. John Barbour (c.1320-95), The Bruce

8. James I (1394-1437), The Kingis Quair

9. Blind Harry (1450-93), The Wallace

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10. Robert Henryson (c.1450-c.1505), Poems, esp. ‘The Testament of Cresseid’, ‘Orpheus and Euridices’ and Aesop’s Fables 11. William Dunbar (c.1460-c.1513), Poems, esp. ‘The Thistle and the Rose’, ‘The Twa Marriet Wemen and the Wedo’, ‘The Dance of the Seven Deidly Sins’, ‘Lament for the Makars’

12. Gavin Douglas (c.1476-c.1513), translation of The Aeneid

13. Anonymous, The Tale of Rauf Coilyear

14. Anonymous, The Ballads

15. Anonymous, The Friars of Berwick

16. Anonymous, The Guid and Godlie Ballatis

17. David Lyndsay (1490-1555), Poems, Ane Satyre of the Thrie Estaits

18. Anonymous, Philotus

19. George Buchanan (1506-82), Epithalamium for the Dauphin of France and Mary

20. Alexander Scott (c.1515-c.1583), Poems

21. Mary Queen of Scots, Poems

22. Arthur Johnstone, Poems

23. James MacGregor, The Book of the Dean of Lismore

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24. John Stewart of Baldynneis (c.1550-c.1605), Poems, esp. Roland Furious

25. William Fowler (1560-1612), The Tarantula of Love

26. Alexander Montgomerie (c.1555-97), Poems, especially The Cherrie and the Slae, ‘The Solsequium’ and ‘The night is near gone’

27. Mark Alexander Boyd (1563-1601), ‘Cupid and Venus’

28.William Lithgow (c.1582-after 1645), The Totall Discourse of The Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations of long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Africa

29. William Drummond of Hawthornden (1585-1649), Poems

30. Sir Thomas Urquhart (1611-60), The Jewel, Logopandecteision and the translation of Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel

31. Mary MacLeod (c.1615-c.1706), Poems

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32. Iain Lom (c.1620-c.1716), Poems, especially ‘The Day of Inverlochy’, ‘To Mackinnon of Strath’

33. Allan Ramsay, (1685-1758) The Gentle Shepherd, Poems and as editor, The Tea-Table Miscellany and The Ever Green

34. Alasdair MacMhaigstir Alasdair (c.1695-c.1770), Poems, esp. ‘The Birlinn of Clanranald’

35. James Thomson (1700-48), The Seasons and ‘Rule Britannia’ from The Masque of Alfred

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36. David Hume (1711-76), An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, especially ‘On Miracles’

37. Tobias Smollett (1721-71), Roderick Random, The Expedition of Humphry Clinker and the translation of Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote

38. Adam Ferguson (1723-1816), An Essay on the History of Civil Society

39. Adam Smith (1723-90), The Wealth of Nations

40. Duncan Ban MacIntyre (1724-1812), Poems, esp. ‘Praise of Ben Dorain’

41. Jean Elliot (1727-1805), ‘The Flowers of the Forest’

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42. James Macpherson (1736-96), The Poems of Ossian with an essay by Hugh Blair

43. James Boswell (1740-95), Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson and The Life of Samuel Johnson

44. Henry Mackenzie (1745-1831), The Man of Feeling

45. John Hume, Douglas

46. Mungo Park, Travels

47. Hamilton of Gilbertfield’s version of Blind Harry’s Wallace

48. Robert Fergusson (1750-74), Poems

49. Robert Burns (1759-96), Poems, Journals and Letters

50. Dugald Buchanan, Poems

51. Joanna Baillie (1762-1851), Plays

52. William Ross (1762-90), Poems, especially ‘Another Song’

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53. Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne (1766-1845), Poems and Songs

54. James Hogg (1770-1835), Poems, esp. ‘Bonnie Kilmeny’, The Brownie of Bodsbeck, The Three Perils of Man, The Three Perils of Woman, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner

55. Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832), The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, The Lay of the Last Minstrel, Waverley; or, ‘Tis Sixty Years Since, The Tale of Old Mortality, Rob Roy, The Heart of Mid-Lothian, The Bride of Lammermuir, Ivanhoe, Redgauntlet

56. Jane Porter (1776-1850), The Scottish Chiefs

57. John Galt (1779-1839), Annals of the Parish, The Entail

58. Susan Ferrier (1782-1854), Marriage

59. Lord Byron (1788-1824), Poems

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60. Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881), ‘Signs of the Times’, Sartor Resartus

61. Elizabeth Grant (1797-1885), Memoirs of a Highland Lady

62. Hugh Miller (1802-56), Old Red Sandstone

63. William Livingstone (1808-70), Poems, especially ‘Ireland Weeping’

64. Mary Macpherson (1828-97), Poems

65. William Alexander, Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk

66. George Macdonald (1824-1905), Phantastes, Lilith

68. Margaret Oliphant (1828-1905), A Beleaguered City, Kirsteen

69. Radical Renfrew, ed. Tom Leonard

70. James Young Geddes, Poems

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71. James (‘B.V.) Thomson (1834-82), The City of Dreadful Night

72. R.L. Stevenson (1850-94), Treasure Island, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Kidnapped, The Master of Ballantrae, Letters, Poems

73. Ian Maclaren (1850-1907), Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush

74. R.B. Cunninghame Graham, Scottish Stories, Thirteen Stories

75. J.G. Frazer (1854-1941), The Golden Bough

76. William Sharp (1855-1905), Pharais

77. John Davidson (1857-1909), Poems. See especially The Testaments

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78. Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), The Sherlock Holmes Stories, The Lost World

79. S.R. Crockett (1859-1914), The Raiders

80. Kenneth Grahame (1859-1932), The Wind in the Willows

81. J.M. Barrie (1860-1937), Sentimental Tommy, Tommy and Grizel, Auld Licht Idylls, Peter Pan, Farewell Miss Julie Logan

82. R.M. Ballantyne, The Gorilla Hunters, The Coral Island

83. Neil Munro (1863-1937), The New Road, Para Handy and The Vital Spark

84. Violet Jacob (1863-1946), Flemington, Collected Poems

85. Patrick MacGill, The Rat Pit

86. Charles Murray (1864-1941), Hamewith

87. Marion Angus (1866-1946), Poems

88. Norman Douglas (1868-1952), South Wind

89. George Douglas Brown (1869-1902), The House with the Green Shutters

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90. John Buchan (1875-1940), Prester John, The Thirty-Nine Steps, Witch Wood, A Prince of the Captivity, Sick Heart River

91. David Lindsay (1876-1945), A Voyage to Arcturus

92. Catherine Carswell (1879-1946), Open the Door!

93. John MacDougall Hay (1880-1919), Gillespie

94. Compton Mackenzie (1883-1972), Whisky Galore!

95. Edwin Muir, Poems, Autobiography, Scott and Scotland

96. James Bridie (1888-1951), One Way of Living, The Devil to Stage: Selected Plays

97. Willa Muir (1890-1970), Imagined Corners, Mrs Grundy in Scotland

98. Neil M. Gunn (1891-1973), Highland River, The Silver Darlings

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99. Hugh MacDiarmid (C.M. Grieve, 1892-1978), Poems (see especially Sansgschaw, Penny Wheep, A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle, Stony Limits [including ‘On a Raised Beach’ and ‘Lament for the Great Music’] and In Memoriam James Joyce), Lucky Poet: A Self-Study in Literature and Political Ideas, The Golden Treasury of Scottish Poetry

100. Nan Shepherd (1893-1981), The Quarry Wood

101. George Blake (1893-1961), The Shipbuilders

102. Joe Corrie (1894-1968), Plays and Poems

103. Edward Gaitens (1897-1966), Dance of the Apprentices

104. Naomi Mitchison (1897-1999), The Bull Calves, Lobsters on the Agenda

105. Guy McCrone (1898-1877), The Wax Fruit Trilogy

106. William Soutar (1898-1943), Collected Poems, Diaries of a Dying Man

107. Eric Linklater (1899-1974), Juan in America, Magnus Merriman, The Merry Muse, A Terrible Freedom

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108. Lewis Grassic Gibbon (James Leslie Mitchell, 1901-35), A Scots Quair: Sunset Song, Cloud Howe, Grey Granite; three short stories (‘Clay’, ‘Smeddum’ and ‘Greenden’), Spartacus, Stained Radiance, Gay Hunter

109. Nancy Brysson Morrison, The Gowk Storm

110. Alexander McArthur and Herbert Kingsley Long, No Mean City

111. James Barke (1905-58), The Land of the Leal

112. Fionn Mac Colla (1906-75), The Albannach, And the Cock Crew

113. Robert McLellan (1907-85), Plays

114. Ian Fleming (1908-64), Goldfinger

115. Robert Garioch (1909-81), Poems

116. George Friel (1910-75), Mr Alfred M.A.

117. Norman MacCaig (1910-96), Poems

118. Sorley MacLean (1911-96), Poems (see especially Dain do Eimhir, The Cuillin, ‘Hallaig’, ‘The Woods of Raasay’ and ‘Screapadal’)

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119. Robin Jenkins (1912-2005), The Changeling, The Cone-Gatherers

120. Gavin Maxwell (1914-69), Ring of Bright Water

121. George Campbell Hay (1915-84), Poems

122. Sydney Goodsir Smith (1915-1975), Poems, especially Under the Eildon Tree, Gowdspink in Reekie and ‘There is a tide’ and the novel (if that’s what to call it), Carotid Cornucopius

123. Jessie Kesson (1916-94), The White Bird Passes

124. Muriel Spark (1918-2006), The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

125. W.S. Graham (1918-86), Poems

126. Hamish Henderson (1919-2002), Poems and Songs

127. Edwin Morgan (1920-2010), Poems (see especially The Second Life, From Glasgow to Saturn, The New Divan, Sonnets from Scotland, Virtual and Other Realities, Cathures), Collected Translations

128. Alexander Scott (1920-89), Poems

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129. George Mackay Brown (1921-96), Greenvoe, Magnus, Poems

130. Derick Thomson (b.1921), Poems

131. William Neill (1922-2010), Poems

132. Alastair MacLean (1922-87), Where Eagles Dare 133. Alexander Trocchi (1925-84), Young Adam, Cain’s Book

134. Ian Hamilton Finlay (1925-2006), Poems

135. Archie Hind (1928-2008), The Dear Green Place

136. James Kennaway (1928-68), Tunes of Glory

137. Iain Crichton Smith (1928-98), Consider the Lilies, Poems

138. Bill Douglas (1934-91), The Trilogy (films)

139. Alasdair Gray (b.1934), Lanark

140. John McGrath (1935-2002) and 7:84 Theatre Company, The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil

141. Stewart Conn (b.1936), Poems

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142. William McIlvanney (b.1936), Docherty, Laidlaw, The Papers of Tony Veitch

143. Donald Campbell (b.1940), Plays

145. John Byrne (b.1940), The Slab Boys, Tutti Frutti

146. Douglas Dunn (b.1942), Poems

147. Aonghas MacNeacaill (b.1942), Poems

148. Sue Glover (b.1943), Bondagers

149. Tom Leonard (b.1944), Intimate Voices

150. Veronica Forrest-Thomson, Collected Poems and Translations

151. James Kelman (b.1946), The Bus Conductor Hines, Kieron Smith, Boy

152. Liz Lochhead (b.1947), The Poems and Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off

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153. Andrew Greig (b.1951), Men on Ice, Surviving Passages, At the Loch of the Green Corrie

154. Angus Peter Campbell (b.1954), Poems

156. Janice Galloway (b.1956), The Trick is to Keep Breathing, Clara

157. Iain Banks (b.1958), The Bridge, The Crow Road

158. Irvine Welsh (b.1958), Trainspotting

159. Meg Bateman (b.1959), Poems

160. Jackie Kay (b.1961), Poems

161. A.L. Kennedy (b.1965), Night Geometry and the Garscadden Trains, So I Am Glad

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