Warning for beef producers

WITH the value of beef cattle rocketing, the National Beef Association yesterday advised producers to check prices before committing to selling.

“The market is so hot there is a real risk of feeders underselling their stock because ex-farm prices are quickly galloping well ahead of the already outdated list price figure many still use as a marker,” stated NBA director, Kim Haywood, pictured right.

She added that finishers needed to be confident about being able to demand more than the purchaser’s original offer in what she described as “the extraordinarily bullish conditions of the current prime cattle market”.

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“Buyers have had the whip hand for a long time and have been able to nominate their base price for in specification steers and heifers on a take it or leave it basis.

“However, over the last 12 weeks market prices have been lifting so rapidly that list prices are being ignored.”

STIRLING – Caledonian Marts had forward 2,024 store lambs and feeding ewes. Store lambs (1,972) sold to £70 and averaged £54.35 (-£0.50 to £70), feeding ewes (52) sold to £82 and averaged £51.80 (+£8.80 to £82). The firm also sold 603 store cattle and seven young bulls. Bullocks (382) averaged 177.6p (+2p) and sold to 216p per kg and £1,065. Heifers (226) averaged 175.2p (+2p) and sold to 210p per kg and £955. Bulls (seven) averaged 151p (n/c) and sold to 176p per kg and £1,250. Also forward were 2,335 prime lambs and 699 cast ewes and rams. Prime lambs averaged 166.63p (+0.82p on the week) and sold to 206p. Ewes (668) averaged £54.02 and sold to a top of £85.50. Tups (31) averaged £61.86 and sold to a top of £85.50.

AYR – Craig Wilson Ltd had forward 3,554 sheep, comprising 2,856 prime lambs and 698 cast ewes and tups. Prime lambs sold to 193.3p per kg , averaging 167.1p per kg (+ 3.4p per kg on the week). Cast ewes and tups sold to £107 and averaged £68.99 (- £1.48 on the week). The firm also sold 55 prime cattle. Bullocks (19) averaged 190.7p/kg, heifers (23) averaged 194.7p/kgand the 13 young bulls averaged 175.1p/kg. Also sold were 83 calves, selling to £470, and 40 stirks, selling to £765 Breeding cattle (203) – bulls to 3,200gns, heifers and calves to £1,980. Cast cows and bulls (350) – beef cows averaged 132.1p/kg, dairy cows averaged 114.7p/kg.

STIRLING– United Auctions had forward 13,740 breeding sheep at their annual sale of Scotch Mule ewe lambs and gimmers and Blackface ewe lambs. Acc Scotch Mule ewe lambs averaged £102.04 (+£4.43 on the year). NonAcc Scotch Mule ewe lambs averaged £97.42 (+£1.16 on the year). Acc Scotch Mule gimmers averaged £152.64 (+£9.47 on the year). Non Acc Scotch Mule gimmers averaged £136.27 (+£12.24 on the year). Acc Blackface ewe lambs averaged £79.71 (+£5.18 on the year). Non acc Blackface ewe lambs averaged £99.53 (+£19.10 on the year).

LANARK – Lawrie & Symington sold 33 prime cattle, 106 cast cows, and 4,694 prime and cast sheep. Prime cattle sold to 227p per kg. Prime butchers cattle sold to average 202.6p per kg. Cast cows – beef cows (46)averaged 137p per kg and sold to 173p per kg and to £1,215. Dairy cows (41) averaged 109p per kg and sold to 144p and to £1,075. Otm (15) averaged 142p per kg and sold to 187p or to £1,115. Bulls (four) averaged 122p per kg and sold to 129p. Prime sheep (3,693) averaged 172.2p per kg and sold to 221.6p per kg. Cast ewes and rams (1,001) averaged £67.09.

LONGTOWN – The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart had forward 6,149 store lambs, including 2,427 Cheviots & 1,059 Blackfaces. Texel sold to £72.50, hill Chev sold to £59 and Blackface to £56.