Can I go for a sunbed in Scotland? Date tanning salons open and new safety measures in place
But are tanning salons now open again? Here’s what you need to know.
Are tanning shops open?
It’s good news for those who love to tan, as tanning salons in Scotland are now open.
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However, other beauty salons, including those offering nail treatments and waxing, won’t reopen until Wednesday 22 July.
The Sunbed Association posted on Twitter to say, “So great that tanning salons can re-open in Scotland a week earlier than beauty & nails, thanks to the lobbying efforts of #SunbedAssociation & support of #ScottishGovernment - we are, after all, non-contact. Good luck to all our members - we know you are ready, willing & able!”
A number of new safety measures will be in place to keep both customers and staff safe.
New safety measures in place
The Scottish Government website explains that guidance has now been developed for close contact services.
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Hide AdThis applies to retail services including the following types of businesses:
hairdressers and barbers
sunbed salons
tattoo artists
indoor photography studios
shoe fitters
specialist close contact counters within stores such as make-up counters
The UK Government has published Guidance for Close Contact Services, which has been developed in consultation with the Scottish Government, and should be referred to by the above businesses.
The main points of the guidance explains that businesses should:
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calculate the maximum number of clients that can reasonably follow social distancing guidelines and limiting the number of appointments at any one time
when booking an appointment, ask the client if they can attend on their own, where possible
remind clients who are accompanied by children that they are responsible for supervising them at all times and should follow social distancing guidelines
operate an appointment-only system
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Hide Admaintaining social distancing in waiting areas when clients wait for their appointments
when waiting areas can no longer maintain social distancing, consider moving to a ‘one-in-one-out’ policy
encourage clients to arrive at the time of their scheduled appointment
Covid-19 related screening questions to be asked of clients ahead of their appointment, including:
have you had the recent onset of a new continuous cough?
do you have a high temperature?
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if the client has any of these symptoms, however mild, they should stay at home and reschedule their appointment notes, “The Scottish Government support the measures above and we have also developed an additional checklist that should be considered by close contact business owners as part of a risk assessment.”
Risks of using sunbeds
The NHS explains that “sunbeds give out ultraviolet (UV) rays that increase your risk of developing skin cancer (both malignant melanoma and non-melanoma). Many sunbeds give out greater doses of UV rays than the midday tropical sun.”
The risks are greater for young people. Evidence shows:
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Hide Adpeople who are frequently exposed to UV rays before the age of 25 are at greater risk of developing skin cancer later in life
sunburn in childhood can greatly increase the risk of developing skin cancer later in life
Alongside sunbeds, sunlamps and tanning booths also give out the same type of harmful radiation as sunlight.
The NHS notes that using a sunbed to get a tan may even be more harmful than the sun, depending on factors such as:
the strength of UV rays from the sunbed
how often you use a sunbed
the length of your sunbed sessions
your skin type – for example, whether you have fair or dark skin
your age