Barfly: Teuchters is a high-flier

THE shooting season is under way, but there's one bird that's not for turning as it pays tribute to the best pubs in the land.

A metre-high replica of the red grouse of whisky acclaim visited Edinburgh watering hole Teuchters last week after it was selected as one of the UK's top 30 pubs with a claim to fame.

Voters on Facebook cast their lot for pubs of unique history and character as part of the Famous Grouse Famous 100 Campaign.

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The statue, which depicts each of the 30 winning pubs, is the creation of Aberdeen illustrator Johanna Basford.

Teuchters Landing in Leith was selected because, in a previous incarnation, it served as the waiting rooms for ferries travelling up the east coast.

The illustrated bird is on a tour of all the winning pubs. We hope its distinctive markings keep it safe should any disappointed hunter who's had one too many decide to take a potshot.

Coulthard stays in the slow lane

THURSDAY night saw the VIP launch of the David Coulthard CEO Tech watch collection at Rox's flash jewellery store in Glasgow's Argyll Arcade.

Despite the monsoon conditions, there was an impressive turnout, no doubt aided by a personal appearance from the great man himself.

The F1 star was typically relaxed, dapper and chatty after jetting in from his Monaco home with glamorous partner Karen Minier (pictured right).

As the talk turned, inevitably, to driving and the best roads, Dumfries-born Coulthard was quick to extol the virtues of the back lanes of Ayrshire and the Borders.

He could not be persuaded, however, to join the scores of petrolheads making a beeline for the F1 driving simulator. "I prefer seat-of-the-pants motoring," said the racer-turned-commentator, dismissing such contraptions for the Playstation generation.

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As if to prove the point, when Barfly staggered off to Queen Street Station to catch the last train home to the capital, it was two nippers - including 15-year-old karting sensation Gregor Ramsay - heading the timings scoreboard.

Back to school for Adam chief

RESTLESS curiosity and turning 50 has driven Harry Morgan, head of investment management at private bank Adam & Co, to hit the books. The bank's star investment manager will be heading back to school next month to take an MBA at Edinburgh University. He'll be taking a year off from his day job, but insists his team will be able to handle the trading desk in his absence. Meanwhile, he will still be on the RBS payroll in case they need him - albeit he admits his reduced circumstances might mean he shows up on his bike, which will be his main form of transport once he becomes a student.

Are barbecues worth the risk?

BARFLY can already hear the shouts of "It's health and safety gone mad!" Gill Hutchinson - health and safety manager at Aberdeen-based Empire Human Resources - has called on employers to carry out "risk assessments" for the traditional summer staff barbecue and other corporate team-building events.

Hutchinson says: "It may seem over the top to some firms to carry out risk assessments for a relaxed staff event, but it offers an assurance to employers that they have considered all eventualities. There are also many employment issues that could arise during company events particularly if alcohol is involved, such as harassment, fighting and drink-driving.

"Employers have a duty of care towards their employees and it's vital that they have specific procedures and policies in place to avoid any potential issues."

So, as Sergeant Esterhaus used to tell us all on Hill Street Blues, "Let's be careful out there".