Aberdeen service station set to catalyse growth after new landlord secured
Ascona Group was signed up by property advisor CBRE on behalf of landlord Esson Properties, and it has taken over the Springfield Road site, which comprises about 3,200 square feet of retail space with more than 30 parking spaces, on a 20-year lease.
The site, which will become a BP-branded petrol station with Nisa convenience store, is described as being in a prominent location about two miles west of Aberdeen city centre with frontage to Springfield Road. It will be Ascona Group’s first site in Scotland and its 63rd in the UK.
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Hide AdDerren McRae, head of CBRE Aberdeen, said: “[Ascona] picked a prime west end location in the city, with it benefiting not only from the custom of drivers, but also from ‘walk in’ trade from the surrounding popular residential area. The transaction also provided a great opportunity to work together with our specialist colleagues in the roadside and automotive team.”
Manoj Tugnait, property director north from Ascona Group, added: “The acquisition of Springfield Road Service Station brings Ascona to Scotland for the first time, something we are very excited about. The site is due to open in a couple of months following an extensive refurbishment program, which will include BP branded fuel, a Nisa convenience store, and a Greggs.”
CBRE recently released its latest figures on the Aberdeen office market, saying total take-up in the first half of the year was 256,426 sq ft, a 361 per cent year-on-year rise.
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