What I know about women

Actor Karl Davies is 25. He lives in Leeds with his girlfriend, actress Jenna-Louise Coleman.

MY PARENTS split up when I was young and I'm an only child. It was just me and my mum growing up, so of course we've always been extremely close, and perhaps my relationship with her has made me more comfortable around women in general.

I've always been quite relaxed around girls, and was quite confident with them at school. My first kiss was when I was about 11, when I was at the cinema on a double date. It was best described as clumsy, but I'd like to hope that things have improved a bit since then. I actually had quite a big crush on Pamela Anderson when I was that age, but that's not my taste at all now. I suppose the red swimsuit really did it for me! These days, I've got a bit of a thing for Kate Beckinsale.

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I've got loads of female friends, and I think that the whole difference between having female friends and male friends is exaggerated. They're all just friends, and I don't think of them as being particularly different. I suppose I talk about football more to my male friends I definitely think that men and women can have a completely platonic relationship.

I was never shy at school, I didn't have any problems talking to girls. Of course, it's all gone downhill since then! I don't really get approached by girls who recognise me from the television. In fact, I don't really get approached by them at all. Being famous definitely doesn't mean that girls start throwing themselves at you, but that doesn't matter anyway because I'm in a relationship.

Jenna and I met when we were both working on Emmerdale. It was her first day and she walked into the green room and I just thought, 'Wow'. I fell for her pretty quickly.

I've been with my girlfriend for two and a half years, and I love being in a relationship. I don't miss being single, it's overrated. I've never been particularly good at meeting people, and I think you can't beat the feeling of being really close to someone.

We live together and we're incredibly close, but of course we argue from time to time. I'm almost obsessively tidy, whereas she's quite messy. I do the washing up and the laundry. I'm a modern man, but not by choice! She's not really up for helping out with it and I refuse to live in a mess. She did cook the other day for the first time, though, which was really sweet.

I'd like to think that I'm a bit of a romantic. I try my best anyway, with flowers on Valentine's Day, chocolates, that sort of thing. I definitely believe in holding a door open for a woman. After all, it doesn't cost anything to do those little things, does it?

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On the rare occasions that we do argue, I've learned not to argue back. I just accept the situation and try not to let it go any further. The funny thing is that that tends to infuriate her even more! You just can't win. You get into more of an argument by trying not to argue.

I think women like to argue more than men do. I've no idea why, but it's always best to steer clear when they're in that mood. I suppose I'm still learning all the rules. I'm sure I've got a long way to go!

• Karl Davies stars in the second series of Kingdom alongside Stephen Fry, Hermione Norris and Celia Imrie, on STV, Sundays at 9:20pm.