Brunton youth have tales to tell

EAST LOTHIAN’S got talent. That’s what the members of the Brunton Youth Theatre will be setting out to prove on Saturday when they perform extracts from One Million Tiny Plays About Britain, by Craig Taylor,

Inspired by snippets of conversation overheard across the country, the piece creates a montage of life in Britain today. The clashes, contradictions, fears, joys and humanity of society all played out in vignettes can be laugh-out-loud funny or heartbreakingly moving.

In one, two women squabble over paying for lunch. In another, a teenager rants down a phone... about thongs. Yet another finds a Polish immigrant getting to grips with her new career as a hairdresser while, later a couple await news from their son away at war.

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Originally these mini-plays each ran as a column in The Guardian’s weekend magazine before being published in book form in 2009.

This weekend, members of the Brunton Youth Theatre’s senior group, all aged 12-18 years, bring their own energy to the works.

Extracts from One Million Tiny Plays About Britain, Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh, Saturday, 7pm, £6, 0131-665 2240