Ten Questions: Graeme Atha

Graeme Atha, 50, from Comiston is director of Marketing Society and the Star Awards 2009

1 What is your earliest memory of Edinburgh? I've got two vivid memories of the city from when I was young. One is my annual visits to Edinburgh Zoo, and the other is the madness that was school rugby trips to Murrayfield.

2 What are your memories of school? I went to primary school in Ayrshire where I remember cycling alongside the River Irvine every morning to get to class.

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3 Where is your favourite place in Edinburgh and why? I love to walk up the Braid Hills and enjoy the panoramic views you are rewarded with at the top, from Ben Lomond in the west to North Berwick Law in the east.

4 What are the best things about Edinburgh? The fact that there are so many hills so close to the city for going walking, and the world class events which take place in August and December and bring such a brilliant buzz to the city.

5 What would you change about the city? I think Princes Street should be, and has the potential to be, more of a jewel in Edinburgh's crown.

6 Describe a perfect Edinburgh day/night out. If I was feeling energetic I'd start the day with a walk in the Pentlands, the Braids or Arthur's Seat. After that I'd head to Leith for a lunch then perhaps have dinner in George Street. I'd follow that with a few pints in Caf Royale, Port O'Leith, the Athletic Arms or Canny Mans.

7 Which sports interest you? I'm into my sport. I like golf, football, rugby, tennis and skiing.

8 What was your most embarrassing moment? It happened a long time ago and involved getting quite drunk at a party, walking out into the garden then opening a window to be sick into the kitchen – nice!

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9 What is your greatest achievement? I've worked in marketing for 25 years so I'm proud to be involved now in promoting Scotland's world-class marketing community through the Marketing Society Star Awards, which have gone from strength to strength since their inception five years ago and help celebrate excellence. Oh – and of course, I'm very proud of my four sons!

10 Sum up Edinburgh in three words. Dynamic, invigorating, inspiring.