Sunday sun

Being retired, I seldom go hillwalking on Sundays - the hills and the roads are too busy. However, Margaret was going birdwatching that day, and then there was a glorious weather forecast that could not be ignored.

So I headed for Auchtertyre, between Tyndrum and Crianlarich, to walk the length of Gleann a' Chlachain; the target the 884m Corbett, Cam Chreag, a hill that is frequently traversed on the way to the more outlying Creag Mhor.

With many people taking advantage of the good weather, it was a slow drive and a cool start to the day, only 4C, though it had apparently been well below freezing overnight at Tyndrum.

However, it was soon warm enough to start discarding outer clothing and, meeting just a handful of other walkers, it was a peaceful and relaxing outing.