Scots teen Lego film-maker takes break to focus on exams

Morgan Spence, 13, from Kilbarchan, near Johnstone, Renfrewshire. Picture: HemediaMorgan Spence, 13, from Kilbarchan, near Johnstone, Renfrewshire. Picture: Hemedia
Morgan Spence, 13, from Kilbarchan, near Johnstone, Renfrewshire. Picture: Hemedia
An in-demand teenage film-maker who has racked up millions of views of his Lego movies is taking a break from the camera to concentrate on his exams.

Morgan Spence, 16, has created short films for the BBC, the Jimmy Kimmel Show, the Red Cross and Brick Flicks, working out of his bedroom in Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire.

He plans, shoots and edits the stop-motion animations by himself and spends months working on each project.

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The Johnstone High pupil wants to pursue a career in film-making but after completing his latest film – A Journey Through Time In Lego – he plans to focus on preparing for his Highers.

The latest film recreates historic moments in history, such as the Viking invasions, the sinking of the Titanic and Martin Luther King’s I have A Dream speech, using the famous plastic bricks and figures.

He said: “I was lucky enough to have had access to incredible models built by Lego artist Warren Elsmore.

“The scenes were chosen because I wanted a broad range to appeal to everyone. In this one I went for quite a vast time difference so some from the beginning of time, the Middle Ages and all the way up to the present day.

“And also they were the models that could fit in my bedroom as well because they are quite big.”

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