Pets Q&A

Q My dog loves to eat grass but his breath is really starting to smell. Are the two linked and if not, what is causing this?

A There are a few different things which can cause halitosis (bad breath). The most common and likely causes are dental disease or a foreign body trapped in the mouth (such as a piece of stick).

Bad breath is also a symptom linked to advanced diabetes and kidney disease, but these conditions would usually be associated with other symptoms such as excessive urination and thirst. It would be unusual for your dog's bad breath to be linked to eating grass.

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You should take your dog to your vet so these possibilities can be investigated. If dental disease is diagnosed, your vet may advise descaling and polishing his teeth and extracting any rotten ones. You should also brush his teeth regularly and feed him a healthy and balanced diet.

Q How can I stop my hamster biting me when I pick him up?

A If hamsters aren't handled daily from a young age they get scared of being handled as they get older and this can cause them to bite.

You should always approach your hamster slowly and quietly, without sudden movement or noise. Start by offering a favourite piece of food placed in front of you. When he starts taking the food confidently, begin offering it from your fingers.

Next, offer it from your outstretched palm so that he must climb on to take it. Build up with small steps like lifting your palm slightly while he is on it and then gently cupping your hands whilst he is taking the food. Each step may take a few days and the whole process may take weeks. Don't move to the next step until he is confident with the current one. By associating your hands and being lifted with something he enjoys (food) you should be able to increase his confidence when being handled.

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