Pets Q&A

Q My dog is a rescue animal and he has always been a bit nervous. Recently he's been getting stressed if I go out and leave him and I always come back to find something chewed.

A It sounds as though your dog could be suffering from a condition called 'separation anxiety'. This is seen in dogs that are highly bonded to their owner and can't cope when their owner is not with them, such as when they go out. You should take your dog to your vet to be checked over.

Q My rabbit has a hard lump on his hind leg which I think is muscle swelling because it is quite big and runs down his bottom to his hind leg.

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A You should definitely take your rabbit to be checked by your vet. A strain would not typically cause a hard lump like this to develop. A more likely cause is an abscess, which is a swelling filled with pus. Another possibility is a skin tumour, but this is less likely.

Q My Yorkshire Terrier has recently been passing blood in his faeces. Should I take him to be checked over by the vet?

A Yes, any pet with blood in their faeces should be examined by a vet. Blood on the stools, with or without mucus, can be a sign of colitis (inflammation of the colon). It can also be a sign of a tumour, damage to the rectum (e.g. from a sharp piece of bone that has been eaten), or an abscess.

Q I brush my long-haired golden retriever regularly, but no matter how much I brush him, he always seems to be matted. Is there any special type of shampoo or brushes that I can use?

A Long-haired dogs should be groomed daily. If your pet's coat has become severely matted, these tangles may need to be cut out. You may wish to ask a professional dog groomer to do this for you.

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