Peter Hyde: Bake your own memorable mid-morning snacks

YOU cannot beat a bit of nostalgia and, with winter showing few signs of abating, there has never been a better excuse to pay homage to the traditional mid-morning snack that is elevenses. Made famous by Winnie the Pooh and Paddington Bear, elevenses are due for a revival in 2010.

My granddad religiously had a cuppa and two digestives on the stroke of 11am, while others preferred a crumpet with honey, a hot cross bun or even a slice of Victoria sponge cake. This time around, forget about cups of builder's tea with soggy rich tea biscuits and think fresh baking for the occasion.

Baking is often very straightforward and not always heavy in lots of difficult techniques. The taste and nutritional value – and the rewards of doing it yourself – far outweigh the convenience of the mass-produced alternative.

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And elevenses make sense. Mid-morning is when energy levels and blood sugars naturally start to flag and a refreshing brew with a delicious warm snack will more than hit the spot. But don't get too carried away, elevenses should be no heavier or stodgier than a light sponge cake.

Creating traditional elevenses with a 2010 twist is also easy. Honey loaf cake is ideal for a light snack with a cuppa, it's easy to make and can be made more elaborate by adding to the recipe. Try adding yoghurt for a sharp flavour against the sweet honey or nuts for a contrast with the light sponge.

One of my personal favourites is a lovely, homemade bakewell tart. It hits the spot every time, just enough sweetness to give you that well-needed kick and light enough that you don't feel like lying down and having a nap.

Don't forget to experiment with different teas to compliment different treats. Jasmine or peppermint calms and soothes while Darjeeling and Earl Grey are refreshing and uplifting.

Peter Hyde is head pastry chef for The Balmoral hotel,, 0131-556 2414.

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