New Scottish music: Prehistoric Friends

On record, Chapman is joined by Nichola Kerr of the Glasgow Chamber Orchestra, who contributes sublime string arrangements. Live, the band becomes a super-group quintet, featuring Julian Corrie of Miaoux Miaoux plus Joe Rattray and Louis Abbot of Admiral Fallow. Chapman’s dreamy vocals and Kerr’s viola, organs and drum machines combine to create gentle, atmospheric indie-pop soundscapes that wouldn’t be out of place on a film soundtrack. Prehistoric Friends release their self-titled debut album at a launch event at The Hug and Pint in Glasgow on 23 October, with support from eagleowl. In a nice modern/ancient twist, 50 handmade fossil casts encasing the LP download code are available. Listen at
• Olaf Furniss and Derick Mackinnon run the Born To Be Wide music industry events,