In style: There is now an easy way to cherry-pick which parts of your body you'd like to be slim and which parts you'd like to be buxom'

HERE comes a point in every person's life when they must choose: a youthful face or a perky bottom. Lose enough weight to tame your rapidly spreading rear, and your face ends up gaunt and haggard; opt for the rejuvenating benefits of a few extra pounds, and your backside will look like something akin to a bus.

As beauty philosophies go, it is not especially erudite, and falls decidedly short in the areas of kindness and understanding. That, unfortunately, won't stop many of us looking at Teri Hatcher when the new series of Desperate Housewives starts and noticing she's a lady who has probably chosen backside over beauty.

However, there is now an easy way to cherry pick which parts of your body you'd like to be slim, and which spots you'd prefer to be buxom – all without diet and exercise. The answer? Advanced Laser Lipolysis, a new type of super-safe and effective laser liposuction with almost instant results.

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As it turns out, it is my chubby chin that had always bothered me more than my bottom, and as I hit my mid-30s I began to realise that it, or more accurately they, were only getting worse. I only had to look at the long line of wobbly chins in my family tree to see where I was heading.

Traditional liposuction is probably the most dangerous cosmetic surgery operation out there, mostly because it requires a lengthy general anaesthetic. Much as I hated my chin(s) I wasn't prepared to die for them, so when I was offered the chance to try out the new breed of laser liposuction I wanted to find out more. Using local anaesthetic and lasers to liquefy the fat, Dr Peter Hickman said he could resculpt my jawline – and with more than 35 years' experience as a medical practitioner, the last 20 years of which have been in cosmetic treatments, I felt in safe hands. Dr Hickman is at the forefront of laser fat removal in Scotland. He opened the first Smart Lipo clinic in the country in 2007 and is the only doctor here that offers this treatment.

A few years ago, Smart Lipo was making waves across the world. Lasers ruptured fat cells and liquefied the fat, which was then supposed to be gradually absorbed into the bloodstream and broken down. The trouble was that on larger areas it often didn't work as well as it should have done. So instead of leaving the liquefied fat in the body, Dr Hickman now, when necessary, uses a technique to suck it all out.

This type of lipo isn't for obese people, but for those with stubborn areas of fat – including the neck and jowls, male chest, arms, upper and lower tummy, flanks, thighs, knees and ankles. The good news is that once the fatty cells have been removed, they will never return.

I was given a local anaesthetic and a small incision was made in a natural fold on my neck. A probe was then inserted into my skin. This is the laser that breaks down the fat cells, turning them into a liquid form.

It may sounds dramatic but the whole process was mildly uncomfortable rather than painful.

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Surprising me, Dr Hickman felt my chin fat was not excessive enough to demand aspiration so, on his advice, I opted to let it drain naturally over time.

If you are a suitable candidate for aspiration, it can be undertaken at the same time and, depending on the number of areas worked on, the treatment takes between one and three hours.

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Some people will experience results immediately. However, gradual improvements during the first week and subsequent weeks will take place as your skin adapts to the new contours of your face or body.

After the treatment I was shoehorned into a bizarre, and apparently extremely amusing, elastic balaclava which I needed to wear for two days to cut down on any swelling and bruising.

Six weeks after the treatment there was a noticeable reduction in my double chin, but the full effects may not be reached for around six months.

Would I do it again? Definitely.

The elastic balaclava may leave you looking like an extra from Doctor Who for a few days, but in no time at all you will be looking like a better version of yourself,

Advanced Laser Lipolysis costs from 2,500 – finance options are available. Face and Body Cosmetic Clinic, 32 Alva Street, Edinburgh (0845 070 5538,

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