Game review: Nintendo Land, Nintendo Wii U

It’s the last day of the party season and Nintendo Land works best with a few mates. The multi-game set-up is also the perfect showcase 
for Nintendo’s new Wii U console and its nifty wee GamePad controller.

Nintendo Land

Nintendo Wii U, £37.99

The bite-sized challenges include underwater dancing, fruit picking and much more. Boasting 12 mini-games, some are great (Yoshi’s Fruit Cart and Luigi’s Ghost Mansion are particularly good) while others are fairly forgettable (Balloon Trip Breeze and Octopus Dance) but due to their short, snacky nature they never outstay their welcome. Each utilises the GamePad in interesting ways, taking advantage of the touch screen, gyroscope and mic. Nintendo Land manages to outgrow its roots as a technical demo, providing hours of entertainment.