House of the Dragon – the epic Game of Thrones prequel based on George R.R. Martin’s Fire & Blood – is here. But, while we wait for the next episode, what better way to re-immerse yourself into Westeros than to rewatch some of Game of Thrones’ best episodes?
Though later seasons – and particularly Season 8 – received mixed reviews, it’s worth remembering how incredible Game of Thrones was at its best. It wasn’t just the action set pieces, the dragons, the zombies, that made it one of the most successful shows of all time. It was the writing, the fully fleshed out characters, and the brutal twists and turns of the plot.
So, without further ado, these are the 10 most highly rated episodes of Game of Thrones, according to their rankings on IMDB.
So, without further ado, these are the 10 most highly rated episodes of Game of Thrones, according to their rankings on IMDB.