Comedy review: Frank Foucault: The Desk, Paradise at the Vaults, Edinburgh

Frank Foucault : The Desk, Paradise at the Vaults (29) * * * *
Not simply because Frank Foucault spends fully six minutes of the hour simply saying the word “smart”, but because this is comedy packed with risky ideas (not the least of which is just saying “smart” for minutes on end) and full of unexpectable twists and turns.
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Hide AdIf the mere idea of James Cordon engaged in fairly full on sexual activities worries you, then, sadly, this is not for you. I say sadly, for it is not all James Cordon on the receiving end of some extremely unlikely attention.
There is also a joke, although it is entirely superfluous to your enjoyment of this extraordinary show. There is real comic creativity here, comedy with physicality teetering on the edge of clowning, and comedy with delightful literary skills.
Even the meta moments don't have the usual 'when I grow up I want to be Stewart Lee' ennui. Luke Smith, who has more than a hand in Frank's shows, is to be congratulated. This show is not just funny, it is very, very—what's the word—smart.
Until 25 August.