My Festival: Sophie Duker

What were you planning to do at this year’s festival?
I was going to coast off the “hotly anticipated” 2019 debut. Or… win an award.
What are you doing instead?
Encouraging people to defund the police.
What impact has the lockdown had on you?
I baked blondies, I lost income, I took nudes, I lost friends, I gained weight and grass stains. The blondies had homemade passionfruit curd and organic white chocolate in them, someone wife me please.
What do you think the future of live comedy looks like?
Not going to lie, one potential future of live comedy looks bleak. But another future looks fertile and promising, like a bartender with kind eyes I met in New Town one night.
What do you think the future of the Edinburgh festival looks like?
Less latecomers, more hand sanitiser.
What’s your favourite memory of the Edinburgh festival?
There are too many memories jostling for position. Opening night of The Flick, eating pad see ew in the Meadows… but why don’t I pick Candy playing in a room unusually full of performers of colour at Assembly Bar - heat and sweat and smiles and spilled drinks and pride and love so fierce you felt it warm you for days after.
Do you think the world be a better or a worse place after coronavirus, and why?
Jürgen Klopp and I are of one mind: We need to speak about things in the right manner… not people with no knowledge like me, talking about something. I wear a baseball cap and have a bad shave… my opinion is really not important.
What’s the most fun you’ve had online?
Neopets circa 2004.
Please recommend a fun thing you can do while social distancing.
C’mon sheeple. There’s nothing. Touch each other.
Finally, please name a favourite piece of music that sums up this year for you.
WAP - Cardi B feat. Megan Thee Stallion.
Sophie Duker is performing her show Wacky Racists as part of Shedinburgh on Wednesday 2 September. You can book tickets at All proceeds raised from Shedinburgh ticket sales will go into a fund to support new artists to bring their work to the Edinburgh Festival in 2021. Next week’s Shedinburgh programme also includes Jack Rooke, Deborah Frances-White and a special performance of Nassim Soleimanpour’s play White Rabbit Red Rabbit.
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