
The new season hove into view this month with the publication of the SBU calendar at

This always seems a more appropriate time for bridge resolutions than New Year, so why not try this one: look after your partner. Both defenders did their bit here.

North's Stayman 2C revealed South to be 4-4 in the majors with a better than minimum hand in the 12-14 range. West led the diamond 10 to the King, 3 and 5. Declarer drew trumps, led a heart to the Queen, then the heart Jack, taken by West's Ace.

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South has shown up with 13 points, since East would never duck at trick one with the diamond Ace, nor duck the heart Queen if holding the King. So East must hold the club Ace, and may have the knave as well, and now it is vital to cash clubs before declarer can discard some on master


If West leads a normal fourth highest club, East should insert the Jack from AJx but why take the chance that partner will go wrong? West led the club King to make life easy, then the 3 and East cashed out for one down. And East's contribution? Since everyone knew South had exactly four hearts, there was no need to show count. Instead, East played the 2 then 5, his lowest cards, as suit preference for clubs.

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