
THE second stage of the Scottish Open trials took place last month. The winners were Cliff Gillis and Paul Barton, followed by Mike Ash and Alan Goodman, with Sam Punch and Stephen Peterkin third.

They will join the exempted pairs and some of the pairs who finished in fourth place and below to make up the 12-pair final trial in November.

This hand was a profitable one for the winners, who were one of only two pairs who bid to the grand slam in hearts. At two of the eight tables N-S only reached game. The auction given is one way to reach 7H.

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South is strong enough to open an artificial 2C but two suited hands are usually easier to develop by starting at the one level. You would feel bad if 1S was passed out but the chances of that are very low. North's 4C agrees hearts and shows the club Ace, then South asks for Aces with 4NT, then, after North shows one, for the trump Queen with 5D.

How should you play 7H after you win the club lead with dummy's Ace? You should not draw trumps. Instead unblock the diamond Ace, then combine drawing trumps with ruffing two diamonds in hand. The fall of the King means even a 5-1 spade break would not defeat you.

• This article was first published in the Scotland on Sunday on October 10, 2010

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