Book review: Strength In What Remains

Strength In What Remains by Tracy Kidder is published by Profile Books, priced £15

In Strength In What Remains Tracy Kidder tells the story of Burundian medical student Deogratias. Deogratias, known as Deo, arrived in New York with just $200 after surviving genocide and civil war to escape his homeland.

With his cash soon spent on food and travel, lonely Deo delivered groceries and slept rough in Central Park.

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He had no contacts in the city and didn't speak English, making it difficult for him to adjust.

However, after meeting Sharon McKenna things began to change for him. Through her, he met other strangers who helped him fulfil his dream of studying and establishing a freeclinic back in Burundi.

In 2006, the pair travelled together to Burundi, where they visited the war memorial sites.

You cannot fail to be moved by this book. A must-read.

9/10 Review by Shereen Low