A heavenly Twist on handbags

Her shop in the New Town's Howe Street, Handbag Heaven, is open all hours. And it's specialist.

Says Shirley (Twist is for real), wearing a smile and the palpable air of an entrepreneur: "We sell pre-owned bags, either new. virtually new or in slightly worn condition.

"I'm getting huge buzz out of it, women of all ages and social standing, come in, some with a bag, a bag they've never used, some bags with the receipt and card still in them.

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"I'm talking seriously expensive bags through the price range down to bags at 5. And we'll sell bags on a 50-50 basis. Proceeds from donated bags go to Maggie's Cancer Care.

"I love it here since we opened in October. The mind boggles at the stories some of the bags can tell. I've listened to a few."

Shirley's previous pursuits have included owning and cheffing the Hill Street Bistro in the Eighties, where her regular customers included football's Dave McPherson, Alex McLeish and Wallace Mercer and the high-profile lawyer from across the street, Ian Corbett.

And she was long-time commercial manager at Hearts.

Hillary Clinton has yet to grace Howe Street, by the way, but she is saying: "I do love a good handbag.

"They fulfil a psychological need - a desire to organise and that is so important in your daily life."