Play hard, have fun - and beat depression

Physical activity can stave off depression - but only if it is fun, research suggests.

Scientists confirmed that people who take regular exercise are less likely to be depressed. But they also found that such activity has to be during leisure time to be of any benefit.

People who exert themselves at work, for instance by digging up roads or heavy lifting, were no less likely to suffer depression than those in sedentary desk jobs.

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Researchers from the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, teamed up with colleagues in Norway to carry out the study of 40,401 Norwegian residents.

Participants were asked how often they engaged in both light and intense physical activity during their leisure time.

Light activity was defined as one that did not lead to being sweaty or out of breath, unlike intense activity. People were also asked how physically active they were at work. All the volunteers were given a physical examination and answered questions aimed at assessing their levels of depression and anxiety.