Case of mistaken identities in SoS

I HATE writing letters of complaint with regard to spelling or grammar. It means you really have to be additionally careful not to make your own mistakes, or risk looking like a complete numpty.

But I noticed while browsing through the newspaper and the Spectrum magazine on Sunday 21 February two easily noticeable mistakes. A photo in the main paper showed an easily recognisable Harrison Ford with a new rising star of Hollywood, "Brandon" Fraser, despite the fact you had his name correctly spelled in the Spectrum. And the magazine gave us an even more recognisable Robert De Niro in a clinch with his co-star Kate Beckinsale which would have been fine if the photograph didn't clearly show Drew Barrymore who plays De Niro's other daughter.

As a quality newspaper I expect you to get everything correct first time. However that said, I feel immensely superior when I manage to spot even one of your mistakes, never mind two. So please accept this complaint from a very aggrieved but superior reader.

Martin McLeary, via e-mail