Tourism information role fails to get off to a flyer

Second personal favourite moment? Well, actually, it happened on Wednesday, long after the high school stagings of Oklahoma with a twist had gone home and the cutting-edge contemporary dance companies had recycled their footless tights.

On the suddenly deserted High Street, a young man, possibly Japanese, thrust a piece of paper at me. I reverted to default Edinburgh Dweller Fringe Flyer Acquisition Mode, which is a swift snatch at the offering, a wee bit of a scowl and mumbled thank you, matched with the sudden increase in walking speed to avoid the sales pitch/earnest lecture.

I am sorry, baffled young man. I quickly realised you were proffering a map and were lost, and that you were probably quite alarmed when the short, but possibly violent, woman suddenly wheeled around like a chunky ninja and started waving your map above her head whilst thundering back across the cobbles bellowing apologies and directions in an accent guaranteed to clear a busy pub in under a minute. Sorry again. Oh, and the number 25 will take you right there.

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