Letter: Pension burdens

Further to my letter (9 October), the black hole in the funding of public sector pensions - regarded as a burden on the taxpayer - will remain in any so-called solution for the taxpayer to bear, since all earnings of the public sector and the funding of public sector bodies are resourced from taxpayers.

Only if the unions agree that contributions should rise without a corresponding increase in the pay settlement negotiations would taxpayers be absolved from an increased burden - an unlikely eventuality.

So, the fears that David Allan expressed in his letter (9 October) about union leader Dave Prentis's threat of unrest may be overtaken - when taxpayers realise that it is they themselves who will continue to pick up the tab.

I reckon it is back to the drawing board for Lord Hutton and other enthusiasts so keen to resolve the conundrum.


Thomson Crescent

Currie, Midlothian

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