Expert Reveals: Tips For Looking After Your Garden In Summer

As the warmth of summer sets in, gardens become vibrant spaces filled with colour and life. However, maintaining a garden during the hot months can be challenging.

To provide you with the best advice, we consulted an expert from Drainage Channel. Here are their tips for keeping your garden lush and healthy throughout the summer.

1. Water Wisely

One of the biggest challenges in summer gardening is ensuring your plants receive enough water without overwatering them. The expert emphasises the importance of deep watering. "Water your plants early in the morning or late in the evening to minimise evaporation. Deep watering encourages roots to grow deeper, making plants more drought-resistant," they advise. They also recommend using soaker hoses or drip irrigation systems to provide consistent moisture to the roots.

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2. Mulching

Mulching is a crucial step in summer garden care. "Mulch acts as an insulating layer, retaining soil moisture and regulating temperature," the expert explains. Organic mulches like straw, wood chips, or compost can also enrich the soil as they decompose. Aim for a mulch layer of about 2-3 inches around your plants to maximise benefits.

3. Pruning and Deadheading

Pruning and deadheading are essential for maintaining plant health and encouraging new growth. "Regularly remove dead or faded flowers to prevent plants from going to seed and to stimulate continuous blooming," the expert recommends. Additionally, pruning overgrown branches allows better air circulation and reduces the risk of disease.

4. Pest and Disease Management

Summer heat can bring a host of pests and diseases. The expert suggests keeping a vigilant eye on your garden. "Inspect your plants regularly for signs of pests or diseases. Early detection is key to managing problems before they become severe," they say. Natural remedies like neem oil or introducing beneficial insects can help control pests without harming the environment.

5. Feeding Your Plants

Nutrient-rich soil is vital for plant health, especially during the growing season. The expert recommends applying a balanced fertiliser to support plant growth. "A slow-release fertiliser can provide essential nutrients throughout the summer," they note. Be mindful of the specific needs of different plants; some may require more frequent feeding than others.

6. Grass Care

Your grass needs special attention in the summer heat. The expert advises cutting your garden at a higher setting to prevent stress and retain moisture. "Leave grass clippings on the garden to act as a natural mulch and return nutrients to the soil," they suggest. Water the grass deeply and less frequently to encourage deep root growth.

7. Plan for Shade

Lastly, consider providing shade for sensitive plants. "Use shade cloths or strategically plant taller species to protect more delicate plants from the harsh midday sun," the expert advises. This can help prevent sunburn and reduce water loss.