Labrador Retrievers have a unique combination of attributes that make them a wonderful pet.Labrador Retrievers have a unique combination of attributes that make them a wonderful pet.
Labrador Retrievers have a unique combination of attributes that make them a wonderful pet.

Discover the 11 reasons why the loving Labrador Retriever is the by far the world's most popular breed of adorable dog

Whether black, yellow or chocolate (or more rarely red, white or silver), the Labrador Retriever is widely considered to be the most popular dog breed in the world.

In the UK there are more than twice the number of registered Labradors than the next most popular breed, while in the US they have been top dog every year since 1991.

They also lead the pack in many other countries around the world, including Australia, Canada, Israel and New Zealand.

With dog ownership surging over the global pandemic, and post-lockdown demand for four-legged friends remaining high, many of us will currently be considering a new puppy.

And, while there are a whopping 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, alongside numerous crossbreeds, the loyal Lab has never been in such demand.

Here are 11 reasons the Labrador Retriever makes such a perfect pet.

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With dog ownership surging over the global pandemic, and post-lockdown demand for four-legged friends remaining high, many of us will currently be considering a new puppy.