iPhone alarm failure: What models are affected by the issue and why do people think is happening?

If you rely on your iPhone to wake you up we have a warning for you.If you rely on your iPhone to wake you up we have a warning for you.
If you rely on your iPhone to wake you up we have a warning for you. | Canva/Getty Images
Many of us rely on our phones to wake us up for everything from work to a Sunday brunch - but there’s a problem for some iPhone owners.

There have been a string of complaints from Apple iPhone owners about alarms failing to go off - leading to unwanted long lies and running late for important appointments.

Here’s what you need to know about the issue.

Why is it happening?

Nobody is entirely sure what is causing the issue, but the leading theory is that it’s to do with a relatively new piece of technology - the “attention aware features”. It means that if you are looking directly at your iPhone, certain functions automatically change, including the volume of alarms and notifications. The theory goes that if you are facing an iPhone placed on a bedside table while asleep it may automatically turn off the alarm. Others have said that the issue seemed to occur after updating the iPhone software.

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Which models are affected?

If the theory about the “attention aware features” is correct then the issue could affect all models from the iPhone X onwards. iPad Pro 11-inch and iPad Pro 12.9-inch models could also be impacted. If you have one of these it’s worth being careful about relying on alarms.

What are Apple doing about it?

Apple has confirmed it is aware of the problem but has not said why it could be happening or how the issue can be rectified. It’s hoped a solution could be rolled out in the next iPhone software update.

What should I do?

If you are an iPhone user it’s worth testing out your alarm to see if it’s working properly - particularly if you are relying on it for something important like an early-morning flight. Ultimately though, until it’s solved, it’s maybe time to dig out your old trusty alarm clock or digital radio just to be sure - or use the alarm fuction on your smart speaker as a backup.

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