Some of the spectacular wildlife that can be seen in Scotland during May.Some of the spectacular wildlife that can be seen in Scotland during May.
Some of the spectacular wildlife that can be seen in Scotland during May.

Wildlife in Scotland in May: Here are 10 amazing Scottish wild animals to look out for in May

With the cold days and nights now hopefully behind us, May is one of the busiest and most colourful months for Scottish wildlife.

April saw mating seasons begin in earnest and many of these continue in May, while the first young animals are born, venturing out into the world to explore and learn.

Meanwhile, most of the animals that migrate to Scotland to spend the summer in our relatively mild climate have now arrived – often in spectacular numbers.

The final animals have now emerged from their winter hibernation and insects take to the wing after spending the colder months safely contained in pupae and cocoons.

It’s also the time of year when we humans start to spend more times outdoors – becoming more aware of the natural world around us.

And, with no pandemic restrictions on travel in place, we are all able to enjoy all Scotland has to offer, including its many wildlife habitats.

Here are 10 incredible Scottish wildlife experiences you can enjoy during the month of May.

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