Storm Babet Recap: Three dead across UK | Plane skids off Leeds Bradford runway | Red warnings in force

Friday recap from The Scotsman on a day emergency crews battled to rescue people in Brechin. Police confirm at least two people have died in Storm Babet in Scotland, and a third was killed in Shropshire.

As England, Wales and Northern Ireland faced warnings about heavy rain, Scotland continued to bear the brunt with flood defences in the town of Brechin being breached early on Friday.

Marykirk and Edzell are also badly effect with power out across the region. Flooding has also hit Dundee and dramatic images show the extent of the storm at Stonehaven.

Storm Babet in Scotland Latest

Signing off, stay safe everyone

Thanks for following all the latest news an updates from across Scotland with me, Joshua King. I hope you have a peaceful weekend despite the weather. Stay safe out there.

Third death during Storm Babet confirmed

West Mercia Police said a man in his 60s died after getting caught in fast-flowing flood water from a brook that breached a road in Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire on Friday morning.

The force said members of the public reported a man went under the water shortly before 10.40am.

Officers from West Mercia Police and Shropshire Fire and Rescue quickly attended but he was found dead at 12.35pm.

Formal identification has yet to take place but the family have been informed and are being supported by officers.

The Scotsman brings you all the news, opinion, sport and perspective Scotland has to offer.

Round up of Scotsman coverage

Our reporters along with colleagues at our sister titles as well as from the Press Association have been hard at work reporting all the latest developments as Storm Babet hit the UK. Here's a look at what we know:

Woman evacuated from home she had moved into just hours earlier

A woman was evacuated from her home in Brechin just hours after she had moved in as the area was hit with an unprecedented level of flooding over the last two days, reports PA.

Terri Masson, 33, only moved into her home in the Angus town’s Meikle Mill on Thursday and had not even had a chance to make a cup of tea and unpack her belongings before she was told by the council at about 4.30pm she would have to evacuate.

The mother-of-five asked friends from Montrose to come and collect her from the town and was anxiously waiting outside her property on Friday morning waiting for the all clear to go back in and collect items for her family including her youngest daughter.

“I moved in yesterday and was in not even two hours and got told to evacuate,” she told the PA news agency.

She added: “I hadn’t even unpacked my stuff, nothing.

“I had just started to unpack and they came to the door and they were like, ‘you have to go’. We left about quarter past five.

“I had to get my friends to come and get us. I had to leave all the nappies for my daughter so I’m waiting to get back in. Her pram is still in there too.

“I knew Brechin could flood when the weather is bad but I’ve never been in the middle of something like this.

“It was scary for the kids – we got out as quick as we could.”

Ms Masson said she had not yet met any of her new neighbours so was unaware of what had happened to them and said she and her family would have to remain at her mother’s home in Montrose until she could return to her home.

Asked if she had been given any idea of when she might be able to get back into her property, she said: “They have just said to wait over here. I think someone is making up a plan.”

Reminder - Red warning for rain issued

The weather has been brutal these past 24 hours but officials expect there will be more to follow. A reminder for our readers that a further red warning is in force.

Football matches postponed in Scotland

Two cinch Premiership matches are among six Scottish league games which have been postponed amid severe weather warnings, confirms Scotsman Sports Editor Mark Atkinson.

Scotland isn't alone in being battered by Storm Babet. Let's look across the border...

A lighthouse has lost its distinctive dome in Storm Babet, port officials have said.The lighthouse at the mouth of the River Tyne was lashed by strong winds and rough seas overnight on Thursday and into Friday.A lighthouse has lost its distinctive dome in Storm Babet, port officials have said.The lighthouse at the mouth of the River Tyne was lashed by strong winds and rough seas overnight on Thursday and into Friday.
A lighthouse has lost its distinctive dome in Storm Babet, port officials have said.The lighthouse at the mouth of the River Tyne was lashed by strong winds and rough seas overnight on Thursday and into Friday. | Paul Young – Ontrackimages

Rail services cancelled across Scotland

Train operator ScotRail has warned disruption to services could last until Sunday due to the impact of Storm Babet.

Routes that are currently closed will not re-open unless it is deemed safe to do so.

The routes affected are between:

– Aberdeen and Elgin.

– Edinburgh and Aberdeen via Fife.

– Perth and Aberdeen via Dundee.

– Dunblane and Perth.

– Perth and Aviemore.

– Tain and Wick / Thurso.

– All Fife Circle services.

ScotRail said it is taking longer than expected for engineers to inspect routes for damage due to the impact of the weather. Customers have been warned they should only travel if necessary on routes affected. Services between Glasgow Queen Street and Aberdeen/Inverness, and between Edinburgh Waverley and Aberdeen/Inverness are also subject to disruption.

Other routes across the network are still being impacted by precautionary speed restrictions, meaning services may be subject to delay or cancellation.

Latest from Sepa's flood duty manager

Pascal Lardet, Flood Duty Manager at the Scottish Environment Protection Agency provides an update on what's happening across Scotland.



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