Glasgow is reportedly a hive of ghosts, ghouls and legends. Cr. Canva Pro/Getty ImagesGlasgow is reportedly a hive of ghosts, ghouls and legends. Cr. Canva Pro/Getty Images
Glasgow is reportedly a hive of ghosts, ghouls and legends. Cr. Canva Pro/Getty Images | Canva Pro/Getty Images

Haunted Locations Glasgow: 10 of most scary Glasgow myths, legends and hauntings - including Devil on Top

Here are 10 of the scariest locations in Glasgow that are packed with demons, ghosts and ghouls.

As October 31 edges nearer, the ghosts of Glasgow's past get ready to come out and play.

Here at The Scotsman, we like to ensure you have a safe and happy Halloween season, so you best make sure you know which areas of Scotland's biggest city are reportedly packed with demons, ghosts and ghouls - according to The Paranormal Database.

That is, unless you're a thrill seeker and looking to see one of Glasgow's most famous myths and legends up close during the Witching Hour?

However you are planning your Halloween in 2023, we've put together this handy list of Glasgow's scariest legends and ghost stories that you can visit - if you dare.