Losts in translation: Vladimov Romanir on the week in football

NEVER thought I'd see the day: we've got the great Rudi back - and Hibs have signed a Lithuanian dud. I thought my sense of humour was a bit cruel when I brought Benny Useless over here to play for Hearts, but now this Yon Shoes character has someone called Valdas Tactless in his squad.

Valdas - that name brings the memories back. "Derby is derby": that was his catchphrase. "Sack is sack": that was what I said to him when I'd had enough.

Anyway, now Skacel is in the squad it's time to re-sign more Burley-era heroes. Like Neil MacFarlane. Or Stephen Simmons.

Or my favourite, Andy Webster. The fans would welcome him back like a shot.

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